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Content is King only if it is Localized

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Content is King only if it is understood by large population of the market by translation that is localized in such a way it speaks their language and culturally connects. Just as even a pawn can checkmate a king if effectively used, multi-lingual website content can act as your powerful marketing weapon and influence customers vis-a-vis competition.

Empower your website for local audience.

Website content translation in local language is of paramount importance if reach and impact is primary consideration. In a country as diverse as India, even the most powerful communication will fail to create the desired impact if your website content is only in English.   Product and service information if available for sharing and made interactive in local language and told in a manner which is culturally connecting has the power of increasing traffic to your website. A multi lingual website is the solution as the website localized properly will connect culturally and speak in their language.

What is Localization?

Localisation is a process of adapting the content and the product for a specific locale. Localization is more than simply exchanging the words and grammar of one language for those of another. Localisation enables your message to be positively received by target audience. Localisation ensures that essence of the original is maintained, with consistency in terminology and technical terms. The relevance of brand to the target market is communicated in such a way that it speaks the language of customer and connects with them culturally.

Website Localization goes beyond translation. It includes text and graphic localisation after research into prevalent stylization of language spoken and culture of the of the target audience in the desired market. The entire objective of website localisation is to recreate all or relevant pages of website in local language with modification of text, image, colour and presentation style in such a way that the localised website culturally connects and speaks the language of the customer.

Growth of Internet in Rural India

For agriculturalist, Internet is a boon as it enables access to online content to acquire information and adapt latest methods and technologies to improve agricultural productivity.

The growth of Internet has opened the flood gates of knowledge acquisition for rural population. As per study conducted by IAMAI and IMRB, Internet users in Rural India will rise to 85 million by June 2014. Total Internet users in India are estimated to touch 240 million soon and be ranked as the 2nd highest in terms of number of World Internet users next only to China.


The potential for further growth of Internet is great due as Internet penetration in Rural India is still very low at 10%. The number of Active Inter Users in Rural India has seen a growth of 58% since June 2012. Internet users are expected to grow at feverish pace in the years to come due to Internet enabled smartphones flooding the market and spread of Internet connectivity.

Take Advantage of Rural Surge and localize your website in the language of target population. Hindi, Marathi and Tamil could be first priority.

We are one best website translation service provider in India.

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